CSS Cursors

CSS cursor property used to define cursor type (i.e. mouse pointer) when the mouse moves over a certain area or, over a link on the webpage.

CSS Cursor Property

The browsers typically display the mouse pointer over any blank part of a web page, the gloved hand over any linked or clickable item and the edit cursor over any text or text field. With CSS you can redefine those properties to display a variety of different cursors.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Example of CSS cursor property</title>
<style type="text/css">
    a {
        cursor: url("../images/custom.gif"), url("../images/custom.cur"), default;
    .cursor-demo span{
        min-width: 100px;
        padding: 5px 10px;
        margin-bottom: 5px;
        display: inline-block;
        border: 1px solid grey;
        border-radius: 3px;   
    <h1>Custom Cursor</h1>
    <p>Place your mouse pointer <a href="#">over me</a> to reveal the custom cursor.</p>
    <h2>More Cursors</h2>
    <p>Place your mouse pointer over the box to reveal the cursor.</p>
    <div class="cursor-demo">
        <span style="cursor: auto;">auto</span>
        <span style="cursor: default;">default</span>
        <span style="cursor: none;">none</span>
        <span style="cursor: context-menu;">context-menu</span>
        <span style="cursor: help;">help</span>
        <span style="cursor: pointer;">pointer</span>
        <span style="cursor: progress;">progress</span>
        <span style="cursor: wait;">wait</span>
        <span style="cursor: cell;">cell</span>
        <span style="cursor: crosshair;">crosshair</span>
        <span style="cursor: text;">text</span> 
        <span style="cursor: vertical-text;">vertical-text</span>
        <span style="cursor: alias;">alias</span>
        <span style="cursor: copy;">copy</span>
        <span style="cursor: move;">move</span>
        <span style="cursor: no-drop;">no-drop</span>
        <span style="cursor: not-allowed;">not-allowed</span>
        <span style="cursor: grab;">grab</span>
        <span style="cursor: grabbing;">grabbing</span>
        <span style="cursor:e-resize">e-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: n-resize;">n-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: ne-resize;">ne-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: nw-resize;">nw-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: s-resize;">s-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: se-resize;">se-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: sw-resize;">sw-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: w-resize;">w-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: ew-resize;">ew-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: ns-resize;">ns-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: nesw-resize;">nesw-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: nwse-resize;">nwse-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: col-resize;">col-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: row-resize;">row-resize</span>
        <span style="cursor: all-scroll;">all-scroll</span>
        <span style="cursor: zoom-in;">zoom-in</span>
        <span style="cursor: zoom-out;">zoom-out</span>

Creating a Customized Cursor

It is also possible to have completely customized cursors.

The cursor property handles a comma-separated list of user-defined cursors values followed by the generic cursor. If the first cursor is specified incorrectly or can’t be found, the next cursor in the comma-separated list will be used, and so on until a usable cursor is found.

If none of the user-defined cursors is valid or supported by the browser, the generic cursor at the end of the list will be used instead.

Tip:The standard format that can be used for cursors is the ‘.cur‘ format. However, you can convert images such as ‘.jpg‘ and ‘.gif‘ into ‘.cur‘ format using the image converter software freely available online.

a {
    cursor: url("custom.gif"), url("custom.cur"), default;

In the above example ‘custom.gif‘ and ‘custom.cur‘ is the custom cursor file, uploaded to your server space, and ‘default‘ is the generic cursor that will be used if the custom cursor is missing, or isn’t supported by the viewer’s browser.

Warning:If you are declaring a custom cursor, you must define a generic cursor at the end of the list, otherwise the custom cursor will not render correctly.